Using DNA Health Testing to Improve Your Wellness

DNA testing is quickly becoming a popular way for people to learn about themselves from the comfort of their homes.
Using DNA Health Testing to Improve Your Diet and Exercise Routines
The use of DNA testing is growing in popularity as a way for people to understand their ancestry and genetic health. While you can gain valuable information about your genetics, these results are not often used to develop a plan for improving health and well-being. DNA health tests can actually be used as a great tool to understand more about optimizing nutrition, exercise and overall well-being.
When you get the results of your genetic makeup, it is often difficult to develop a plan on what to do next. If you want to learn more about how you can take panel results to improve the quality of your life, then read how in our overview below.
Choosing the right DNA test kit for your needs
There are many different alternatives on the market for building a DNA profile so it can be overwhelming when deciding which one is best for you. Some products will give you the whole package, such as ancestry and disease risk factors but exclude the analysis of ideal macronutrient ratios and activity profiles. Others provide nutrient and fitness gene profiles but don’t provide a personalized plan for improving your health.
You will get useful data by using such products, but most people don’t know what to do with their results. We recommend using a testing kit that provides the information you seek and real consultants who can tell you what your results mean and how to use them. A 5-Metric Overview provides personalized recommendations on your consumption levels of protein, fat and carbs with how much aerobic and anaerobic exercise you should incorporate into your daily workouts.
Plan meals according to dietary needs: DNA nutrition tests
Understanding your nutrient needs is the first step in moving towards creating a healthier lifestyle. A good DNA test will tell you how you absorb important vitamins, food sensitivities and dietary requirements to change the way you eat. Once you know how your body processes food and vitamins, you can move towards creating a diet that fits your lifestyle.

You can use your DNA to build a personalized nutrition plan that fits your body’s metabolism and sensitivities.
The next step is researching which foods will provide your daily nutrient requirements. Make sure you find meals that you enjoy so your diet doesn’t take away from the pleasure of eating. It is helpful to plan meals for the upcoming week when you do your grocery shopping so you aren’t tempted by fast food or carryout. This will make you feel better in your daily life while saving money on dining costs.
Designate a schedule to plan your meals for the week so you aren’t cooking the same thing every day and to keep yourself on track with your nutrition plan. Many people like to keep a journal that tracks their progression of wellbeing as a result of eating healthier. This practice helps you remain mindful of the benefits of having an established diet.
It can seem cumbersome to do the research for a nutrition plan, especially if you do not have experience with creating a personalized diet. You can save time and effort by utilizing services that take the hassle out of meal planning. HealthCodes DNA uses a 16 metric panel to provide insight to your vitamin absorption, food sensitivities and requirements. You’ll be provided with personalized results that provide recommendations for enhancing your health.
Get the most out of your workouts: DNA fitness tests
The American Heart Association recommends that adults and teens engage in at least 150 minutes of exercise per week. But did you know that your DNA can determine what type of exercise your body requires? Based on factors such as oxygen reuptake, mood response and pain tolerance, the kind of exercise you do matters as much as how much time you commit.
Getting the right amount of exercise requires that you find activities that are enjoyable. But we can’t always participate in our favorite method of exercise with the resources we have so the gym is usually the best alternative. Planning your workout with your fitness needs in mind will make you feel better and spend less time wandering out looking for something to do. DNA results can help you find the right balance of strength training and cardio that your body requires for an optimal workout.
You can always find a personal trainer or do your own research on the internet with many available resources. However, you can do more for your fitness by understanding your genetics and what exercise will give you the best workout. HealthCodes DNA provides a 10 metric overview that analyzes your activity profiles, exercise potentials and motivators so you can find the right balance of aerobic and anaerobic activity. By taking into account your whole fitness panel, we provide a personalized plan that will fit with a healthier lifestyle.
Balance your lifestyle with wellness: DNA wellness tests
HealthCodes DNA uses clinical-grade testing and is accredited by the College of American Pathologists (CAP) and strictly adheres to the standards of Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) regulated by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. We are HIPAA compliant so you can be sure that your results are secure and private. We use cutting edge algorithms to create comprehensive results and personalized action plans. Our client testimonials prove that we are truly unique in our approach to genetic testing for wellness.
While we do provide you with valuable knowledge of your DNA wellness, nutrition, and fitness needs, but keep in mind we are not a substitute for medical advice. Consult with medical professionals for advice when making major lifestyle changes.

When you order a DNA health test from HealthCodes DNA, you can be certain you are receiving the highest quality DNA testing product available to improve your wellness, nutrition, and fitness planning and optimization.

HealthCodes DNA offers premium DNA health testing to help you identify the diet and exercises best for your unique body type.