How to Use Tea Tree Oil to Help Acne
Can Tea Tree Oil For Acne Really Work?

Is using Tea Tree Oil in Acne really a good idea? Read on to find out.
Using Tea Tree Oil For All Forms of Acne Treatment
Acne is irritating, unattractive, and often hard to permanently eliminate. Even worse, most acne outbreaks are out of your control due to genetic factors. You can change your diet to help with acne, but it doesn’t provide any relief for outbreaks that are already present. Daily wash regimens are often pricy, cumbersome, and don’t always work. Tea tree oil for acne has been proposed as a potential solution to acne. Read on for our summary of acne sources to answer the question “does tea tree oil help acne?”
Does Tea Tree Oil Help Acne?
Medicinal methods of treating acne certainly have the potential to help out, but topicals and ointments can irritate the skin and leave potential scarring. Scarring can be unsightly, and worse, bad for your mental health. That’s why people have started looking for more natural solutions for skincare.
Tea Tree Oil is a popular choice for many reasons. Just using Tea Tree Oil as a wash can prevent the oily skin that causes acne and stops outbreaks before they have a chance to form. You can see if you are more prone to acne outbreaks using DNA health testing so you can stop the problem before it even starts.

Using Tea Tree Oil in acne treatment has shown promising results.
Some people will claim that the tea tree oil treatment is ineffective in treating skin that has already broken out. Those who find it ineffective often make the mistake of not using the right concentration of Tea Tree Oil. Most stores sell bottles in low concentrations, which can be effective as a preventative wash, but not so much as a treatment for pimples. For best results, find a highly concentrated solution and mix it with a few drops of water and apply it to affected areas with acne lesions.
Tea tree oil is most effective when used daily, whether it is a wash or a spot treatment ointment. When used correctly, it is non-irritating which provides benefits over other acne treatments like salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide that can cause adverse reactions like drying out the skin or leaving an unpleasant burning sensation. Tea tree oil can be combined with these treatment options for a more potent solution while also providing a soothing sensation that won’t dry out the skin.
What Causes Acne and How Does Tea Tree Oil Help Acne?
When one thinks of acne, the image of the “pizza face” teenager comes to mind. The reason that this is accurate is often due to the fact of hormonal changes during puberty that causes oily skin. Oily skin leads to acne when pores secrete too much sebum or oil, forming pimples or ingrown hairs. Oily skin is usually a good indicator that you have the potential for a nasty breakout.

The roots of our predisposition towards clear skin or acne is found in our DNA. Genetics makes us predisposed to having clear skin or acne.
Another way you’ll start developing pimples is when your skin doesn’t exfoliate quickly enough. The purpose of natural exfoliation or exfoliating washes is to help get rid of dead skin cells. If the dead skin cells aren’t removed, they become trapped in pores cause painful zits.

Acne lesions develop from trapped skin bacteria. Hormones can also influence the development of acne.
Propionibacterium acnes breakouts are the most painful and irritating form of breakouts. Extra secretion of this bacteria is often attributed to genetic factors and diet, making it important to understand how your body produces the bacteria and what type of nutrients you’ll need to keep your immune system healthy. Priprionibacterium acnes has even shown to cause brain infections, body infections, and even has been linked to developing cancerous growths, it is important to understand and address your potential risks. DNA testing for health is useful for understanding how genetics affects your internal biology, such as metabolism and gut health, so you can get to the root of the issue.
Understanding how acne is produced is important when choosing a treatment method like tea tree oil. Tea tree oil has many natural antimicrobial properties that stop bacterial growth in your pores. There are many tea tree oil face washes that can be used in the morning and before bed to clear away bacteria that has accumulated throughout the day. Using a diluted solution has been found effective for fighting nasty propionibacterium acnes. Tea tree oil contains a reactive antibacterial oil called terpene which eliminates bacteria, both preventing breakouts and clearing up pimples.
Another important feature of tea tree oil is that it works great as a moisturizing wash that dries out zits and ingrown hairs. The antibacterial terpenes fill pores and prevent bacteria from forming pimples. An added benefit of tea tree oil is the natural soothing effect on the skin that prevents inflammation. The soothing effect provides healing properties that replenish the skin and prevent cells and bacteria from entering into pores.

We do not have to live with the constant mental health strain that acne places on us. The first step to developing an action plan to heal your acne is to fully understand the root cause of it.
Tea Tree Oil For Acne
Acne scars can be nearly impossible to remove, but tea tree oil provides relief when scars become irritating. You can combine tea tree oil with coconut oil and place it on a scar to help sooth the skin and even help repair some of the damage. Tea tree oil for acne, however, hasn’t been proven to be a highly effective method for treating scars, but it certainly can reduce irritation. The best way to avoid acne scars is to keep your hands away from pimples and to use a moisturizer, such as a tea tree oil wash, to unclog pores filled with bacteria.
Is Tea Tree Oil Scientifically Proven to Work?
While it is a common treatment for acne, there is not enough research to definitively say if it is a one-size-fits-all way of handling pimples. If you struggle with propionibacterium acnes, it is quite helpful because of its antibacterial properties. The problem is that there are many ways acne can form so tea tree oil can’t be guaranteed to fix all cases of acne.
If you can’t seem to find relief from tea tree oil, there could be other genetic factors causing your acne which require prescription medication. You can get an idea of hormonal factors by using premium DNA health tests to see what lifestyle adjustments you can make to help prevent acne.
You should always practice simple habits to prevent bacteria build-up by washing your pillows and sheets often, cleaning your face in the morning and at night, and avoiding foods that are high in sodium and sugar. Making healthy choices with your diet and getting proper sleep will prevent acne and provide overall wellbeing.

The best approach to treating acne effectively is to understand your genetic predisposition to acne and develop an action plan.
HealthCodes DNA offers genetic testing for wellness and personalized results to help you make positive lifestyle adjustments. Healthcodes DNA provides the best genetic tests for health on the market and genetic kit nutrition to help you take action from the inside out to get rid of your acne.

HealthCodes DNA offer premium DNA health testing to help you identify the diet and exercises best for your unique body type.